Foals born in 1994 & thereafter will be issued registration certificates when both sire and dam are entered in the Stud Book for the year of covering.
Foals from non entered stallions may receive registration certificates if they meet the pedigree requirements of the Stud Book regulations. This provision includes foals from acknowledged stallions standing in foreign countries. An additional fee will be levied for these registrations.
Registration certificates are numbered according to the system "PP-[CAN]NNNN-YY DD", where:
PP is a two letter code corresponding to the Province or region of birth. (OT = out of country)
AB - Alberta NS - Nova Scotia
BC - British Columbia ON - Ontario
MB - Manitoba PE - Prince Edward Island
NB - New Brunswick PQ - Quebec
NF - Newfoundland SK - Saskatchewan
YK - Yukon NT - North West Territories
[CAN] indicates a Canadian born horse - for registrations processed from 1998 on
NNNN is a four digit identification number.
YY is a two digit number corresponding to the year of birth.
DD is a 1 or two letter/digit code corresponding to the Studbook division; foal papers will be issued G (or A).
Example: AB-[CAN]1234-92 MM shall mean the Province of Alberta [Canada], serial number 1234, born 1992, entered in the Main Mare Book.
The CWHBA issues these registration certificates:
Red Certificates:
Are for foals with the required generations of approved pedigree and out of Main Mare Book (MM), Mare Book (M) or Pre-Mare Book I (P1) mares, which are by Licensed or Approved stallions and entered in the Studbook of the Association. Eligible for Branding.
Blue Certificates:
Are for foals out of Pre-Mare Book II (P2) mares, and by a Licensed/Approved stallion which has been entered in the StudBook. Eligible for Branding.
White Certificates:
Are foals out of Auxiliary Book mares by an entered, Licensed or Approved stallion and will have a G suffix to their number; NOT?eligible for branding.
- where the sire is from non-approved Warmblood pedigree, the foals will have an 'A' suffix. NOT?eligible for branding.
Horses born prior to 1994, not registered with another Warmblood association, may have a CWHBA registration certificate issued if they meet the pedigree requirements of the Stud Book regulations.
Registration Fee: $90.00